Friday, December 29, 2006
New Rule...
In order for Z to enter J Ho's domicile, he must be dressed as 'Baby New Year'... That is all!!
Happy B-Day Blog
One year ago the Btown Boyz blog site was created. Twelve months and 5300 views later it chugs right along. By the way, nice work on the new logo at the the top Chumpass. It gives it a kinda superhero look in my opinion.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
In case you didn't know
you should know by now: New Years will be at J Ho's place. J Ho will be cooking WINGS (chicken, not the Paul McCarthy band) and Steadman will have some snacks. Please bring the respective sides (CHEEZY POTATOES, etc). BYOB. Euchre games, roulette (for shots), board games, darts, cornhole (not REDNESS), XBOX 360, shocking tanks, and Chump's 'Pirates...' HD DVD (for Z). 8 pm sounds good and even earlier if you want.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
pong shots AND rube goldberg
well this video does it. it combines (toward the end) two of my favorite things, crazy ping pong shots and rube goldberg setups (though they aren't very elaborate). and for all those who are counting, this is my first embed. i usually like to link.
HEY we got a new graphic up top. did that just happen? hmmm, nice
NYE e-mail
i sent everyone an e-mail with the address i'm staying at and tentatively holding the only NYE party i know of for the BTBZ. check your e-mails for details or e-mail me with any questions, to volunteer for a better venue, or RSVP. i sent the e-mail to red's hotmail account and T's insight, BTVJGJHo's rr, and chumpass's hotmail. not sure if those are still valid accounts, so feel free to forward the message on to anyone who i might not have the correct addy for or anyone you want to come. thanks, hope to see you there.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
B-town Bowling?
The Columbus chapter of the B-town Boyz is interested in joining a bowling league, but with everyone's schedule this is the best league I could find:
The Big Wazoo
League bowls on Wednesdays at 9:30 PM
League starts on January 17, 2007 at 9:30 PM
League meeting on January 10, 2007 at 9:30 PM
4 bowlers per team
15 weeks of bowling
$10.00 per week per bowler
2 games of bowling per week
Weekly Computer Stats
Free nursery service
Standing Sheets on the Web
Big party & trophies at the end of the season
This is at the Columbus Square Bowling Palace. The league meeting on the 10th requires one team member to attend, which I have no problem of doing since I live the closest to the lanes. Those interested please let me know as soon as possible so I can get the team signed up. I know this is a late start time for Redness and J Ho, but the 6:00 league wasn't good for the majority.
The Big Wazoo
League bowls on Wednesdays at 9:30 PM
League starts on January 17, 2007 at 9:30 PM
League meeting on January 10, 2007 at 9:30 PM
4 bowlers per team
15 weeks of bowling
$10.00 per week per bowler
2 games of bowling per week
Weekly Computer Stats
Free nursery service
Standing Sheets on the Web
Big party & trophies at the end of the season
This is at the Columbus Square Bowling Palace. The league meeting on the 10th requires one team member to attend, which I have no problem of doing since I live the closest to the lanes. Those interested please let me know as soon as possible so I can get the team signed up. I know this is a late start time for Redness and J Ho, but the 6:00 league wasn't good for the majority.
Monday, December 18, 2006
God always finds a way to punish the sinners
I hope anyone who supports a monster like him dies of cancer.
well you made me do it
ok, since i don't have a place in columbus, i went and rented one. don't get excited, it's not a REAL rental, i reserved a room at a marriott hotel as centrally located as i could figure to the people there.
consider this an invite to the BTBZ, associated significant others and a few friends they might want to bring. jules and i will be in columbus at the hotel from sometime on 29-dec-06 (friday) through 1-jan-07 (monday). if no one is wanting to host a NYE party, let's do it there, at the hotel. there is sofa bed if anyone wants to crash and we might be able to get a rollaway. let's drink, watch TV, i'll have the obligatory porn though it WON'T be playboy as in year's past. we can play cards, get food, yeah, i already said drink. i know it's not a fancy invite. i'll be able to provide some beer and food, please feel free to bring some of your own as well. let's have some fun.
e-mail me if you think you'll wanna be there, and i'll send you the address. if i don't hear from anyone, jules and i will have to fend for ourselves and find a bar or party going on downtown. up to you. i'll be waiting to hear from you.
consider this an invite to the BTBZ, associated significant others and a few friends they might want to bring. jules and i will be in columbus at the hotel from sometime on 29-dec-06 (friday) through 1-jan-07 (monday). if no one is wanting to host a NYE party, let's do it there, at the hotel. there is sofa bed if anyone wants to crash and we might be able to get a rollaway. let's drink, watch TV, i'll have the obligatory porn though it WON'T be playboy as in year's past. we can play cards, get food, yeah, i already said drink. i know it's not a fancy invite. i'll be able to provide some beer and food, please feel free to bring some of your own as well. let's have some fun.
e-mail me if you think you'll wanna be there, and i'll send you the address. if i don't hear from anyone, jules and i will have to fend for ourselves and find a bar or party going on downtown. up to you. i'll be waiting to hear from you.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The REAL 'Most Out of Shape Man' Contest
Here is a link to a web site which asks questions about personal activities (smoking, eating, and exercise habits) and develops a 'Life Expectancy Age'. I will start: I will live to the age of 78. Reply to this post with your age.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
again i ask
any plans for new years? i need to book a hotel, and i'm sure it is going to be difficult if not impossible already. if someone is hosting the shindig, let me know, and (i know, i know) e-mail me your address so i can find something nearby. i think i only know chad's and juddy's.
i'm thinking of coming up on the 28th or 29th, then leave maybe the 1st or 2nd. get back to me.
i'm thinking of coming up on the 28th or 29th, then leave maybe the 1st or 2nd. get back to me.
It's Good to be THE KING
Do yourself a favor. Choke down a Burger King value meal and buy one of the xbox games. I got all three last weekend for my birthday. You can relive BK commericals with Sneak King... surprise hungry people with BK food. I don't see a lot of replay value in this one, but it is freaking funny to watch THE KING bust a move when you pull off a level 3 flourish (flouish = show you put on whilst presenting the BK food). A decent one player game and certainly worth four bucks.
The other two games are Pocketbike Racer and Big Bumpin'. Pocketbike Racer is the clone of MarioKart we've asked for and I think might be a little better. Same premise: race around a track and use weapons to screw with the other racers. About the only differences are you get to play as various BK characters (King, Whopper Jr. and Subservient Chicken aka Big Buckin Chicken) that instead of picking up a random weapon, you have a power meter. Each time you pass between a set of traffic cones, your meter goes up. You have access to different weapons depending on that level. You can also use that power as a nitro boost so you have to choose between that homing missle you've always wanted and extra speed. Plus all characters have the same driving abilities... you can unlock different bikes that perform differently. No more getting stuck with Toad or Princess in multiplayer. Good selection of tracks and game modes (Battle Mode is great). Great player characters. Oh, and yes, you can play over Xbox Live. At four bucks, this is a no brainer. Throw the food away if you have to.
Big Bumpin' is bumper cars on crack cocaine. Several game types and two modes, individual battles and tournament, keep the action fresh. There's good old fashioned bumper battles that take place in BattleBot-like arenas. There's a hot potato version where you try to avoid having the bomb when it goes off. Another mode has you driving to one point to pick up energy and trying to get back to a base to score points. The catch is that the other three drivers are trying to wreck your shit and drain the energy so you get fewer points when and if you can get back to base. There is a mode where you score points by having possession of the puck. The last car to touch the puck scores points for every second the puck is their color. Then there is two on two bumper hockey. This is one of the most addicting games I've ever played in my life. Simple rules. Three minute period. Score more than your opponents. Eric and I played this for two hours last week after a good night of drinking. You can play on the same team or against each other with a computer teammate. All game types can be played on two different courses and the powerups can really change the game. Someone chasing you with the bomb? Grab the speed up and jet across the board. Pick up the super magnet and the puck will try to attach to your back bumper. Scoring a goal becomes ridiculously easy unless they pack their car between you and the puck. All cars and drivers have the same skill, so again, no worries if someone picks The King and the pretty pink car. You can play the tournaments in multiplayer also, so you battle it out across several game types to see who's the best all around player. You can play over Live also. The computer puts up a good fight in almost all games modes except the hot potato version, but the multiplayer is really where it's at. Again, it's four bucks. Insane.
These games all suffer from loading times though. You'll spend a good 30 seconds loading to play 3 minutes of hockey or worse, to play 6 seconds of the demolision derby game as it doesn't take long for 3 of the 4 cars to either get bumped off the stage or drive off the stage. I've only played once or twice over Live, and it seems you have to set up the game each time and join the lobby for that game each time. The music isn't going to win any awards either. Think of a cross between NES and SNES music. Really though, you probably won't notice it, and what do you expect from a game you bought at a fast food restaurant?
If you can't tell, I highly recommend Big Bumpin' and Pocketbike Racer. These are great games simply due to the instant gratification. Perfect when you want to play something but don't want to invest a couple of hours to reach the next level. Also they are great party games. Anyone can pick up a controller and play, even if they may have consumed some adult beverages. Put these on your Christmas list. Your significant other might scoff at buying you a $50 dollar game either because it's $50 or they hate the fact it's a video game, but these are $4 games they will actually like if they give them a try. By the way, each game comes with both Xbox and 360 versions so you can HAVE IT YOUR WAY.
The other two games are Pocketbike Racer and Big Bumpin'. Pocketbike Racer is the clone of MarioKart we've asked for and I think might be a little better. Same premise: race around a track and use weapons to screw with the other racers. About the only differences are you get to play as various BK characters (King, Whopper Jr. and Subservient Chicken aka Big Buckin Chicken) that instead of picking up a random weapon, you have a power meter. Each time you pass between a set of traffic cones, your meter goes up. You have access to different weapons depending on that level. You can also use that power as a nitro boost so you have to choose between that homing missle you've always wanted and extra speed. Plus all characters have the same driving abilities... you can unlock different bikes that perform differently. No more getting stuck with Toad or Princess in multiplayer. Good selection of tracks and game modes (Battle Mode is great). Great player characters. Oh, and yes, you can play over Xbox Live. At four bucks, this is a no brainer. Throw the food away if you have to.
Big Bumpin' is bumper cars on crack cocaine. Several game types and two modes, individual battles and tournament, keep the action fresh. There's good old fashioned bumper battles that take place in BattleBot-like arenas. There's a hot potato version where you try to avoid having the bomb when it goes off. Another mode has you driving to one point to pick up energy and trying to get back to a base to score points. The catch is that the other three drivers are trying to wreck your shit and drain the energy so you get fewer points when and if you can get back to base. There is a mode where you score points by having possession of the puck. The last car to touch the puck scores points for every second the puck is their color. Then there is two on two bumper hockey. This is one of the most addicting games I've ever played in my life. Simple rules. Three minute period. Score more than your opponents. Eric and I played this for two hours last week after a good night of drinking. You can play on the same team or against each other with a computer teammate. All game types can be played on two different courses and the powerups can really change the game. Someone chasing you with the bomb? Grab the speed up and jet across the board. Pick up the super magnet and the puck will try to attach to your back bumper. Scoring a goal becomes ridiculously easy unless they pack their car between you and the puck. All cars and drivers have the same skill, so again, no worries if someone picks The King and the pretty pink car. You can play the tournaments in multiplayer also, so you battle it out across several game types to see who's the best all around player. You can play over Live also. The computer puts up a good fight in almost all games modes except the hot potato version, but the multiplayer is really where it's at. Again, it's four bucks. Insane.
These games all suffer from loading times though. You'll spend a good 30 seconds loading to play 3 minutes of hockey or worse, to play 6 seconds of the demolision derby game as it doesn't take long for 3 of the 4 cars to either get bumped off the stage or drive off the stage. I've only played once or twice over Live, and it seems you have to set up the game each time and join the lobby for that game each time. The music isn't going to win any awards either. Think of a cross between NES and SNES music. Really though, you probably won't notice it, and what do you expect from a game you bought at a fast food restaurant?
If you can't tell, I highly recommend Big Bumpin' and Pocketbike Racer. These are great games simply due to the instant gratification. Perfect when you want to play something but don't want to invest a couple of hours to reach the next level. Also they are great party games. Anyone can pick up a controller and play, even if they may have consumed some adult beverages. Put these on your Christmas list. Your significant other might scoff at buying you a $50 dollar game either because it's $50 or they hate the fact it's a video game, but these are $4 games they will actually like if they give them a try. By the way, each game comes with both Xbox and 360 versions so you can HAVE IT YOUR WAY.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Speaking of Last Weekend...
As per the previous post, T and I were sitting at BW3's watching the Rutgers / WVU game when at the end of regulation, the camera pans to a shot of the crowd. T and I look at each other and in so many words ask, Did that just happen?

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Not As Drunk As I Thought
Last night me and Chad were hanging out at BW3's on Morse Road. I kept seeing some stat on the ESPN Bottomline that had something about a team(I thought it was football, but turns out to be basketball) scoring 200 points. Both Chad and the bartender thought I was full of shit, but as it turns out I wasn't. Check it out.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
new year's plans?
jules and i are trying to figure out our holidays considering we live in different time zones. so, the question is, do the BTBz have any plans for new year's eve.
i MIGHT be meeting her parents over this break, so odds are i'll be away from B-Town either on my birthyday, christmas, or new years, so she and i need to figure out which will be missed. i think we are kinda leaning towards being on columbus for new year's if anything is going on, and i might meet the parents over my birthday or xmas. reply if anyone knowns anything about any possible shindigginess.
i MIGHT be meeting her parents over this break, so odds are i'll be away from B-Town either on my birthyday, christmas, or new years, so she and i need to figure out which will be missed. i think we are kinda leaning towards being on columbus for new year's if anything is going on, and i might meet the parents over my birthday or xmas. reply if anyone knowns anything about any possible shindigginess.
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