Tuesday, April 04, 2006

when we leavin'?

As for mansfield truck race.... i have to work saturday (seems like everyone else and his mother have that day off for memorial day). i will be done by 7 am or 8 am. i will be ready to leave from where-ever (probably T's will be good to meet) soon after that. i don't know when everyone was planning on leaving, but i can't leave until 8:30 at the latest. Discuss.....................


B Town T said...

Mapquest says it's 71.54 miles from my place to the track. The time estimate is 1 hour and 14 minutes, but that is never right. I say we leave around 9:00 to 9:30. That gives us plenty of time to get there and start drinking.

B Town Big C said...

May I suggest the Grill2Go and a couple dozen eggs and some bacon and some bread. We can get our KEGS N EGGS on, biatches!