Monday, December 17, 2007

more Crysis awesomeness

i can't get enough of this finite model element analysis (FMEA) stuff. i might just have to buy crysis for this reason. i can't believe that since i've been playing video games (maybe 20 years), we've gone from "asteroids" to this. seriously blows my mind.


B Town Chump said...

I don't get it. Sorry Z, but I'm simply not impressed. Sure it looks cool but let me see more of the physics engine than just an obscene amount of cylinders falling. Yeah, the fluidity looks good and all, but the explosion seemed way too unrealistic. (not to mention that it would crash the system after 2 sec.) What I'm saying is that the physics engine designed for this game may be awesome at handling 5000 free-falling cylinders, but that means nothing if it can't realistically handle much more basic elements. Seriously, in ALL the games you've ever played, how often do you run into 5000 oil barrels stacked into the shape of a chair that, for no reason, start to fall? Great demonstration for the barrels, but what about the rest of the game? The Dom Perignon might be the highlight of the meal, but give me the meat and potatoes.

Maybe this will be the coolest game on the planet with the most realistic and jaw-dropping physics, but I'm just not ready yet to soil my underwear and declare this end-all, be-all supreme ruler of games. I need to see more (or better yet, play it.)

slyght said...

the reason this is awesome, is gravity. gravity has been such a hard thing for games to simulate realistically, coding gravity is far more difficult than plugging 9.81 m/s^2 into an equation, especially with stacked objects. some are going to run into each other, obunce off each other, some are going to freefall; therefore, their motions are all different, all unique. those barrels fell the way the twin towers fell, they fell like physics would have them fall. THAT'S what i'm impressed by.

granted there is much more to the game. the explosion of course was unrealistic, that's another thing that is difficult to code in gaming. that's probably the next big challenge, fire and water. one example is here .

i know i stumbled on an awesome water and fire simulation that was being worked on. i'm just appreciating the realism. 10 years ago, it would've taken NASA supercomputers to do 25% of that simulation. i'm in awe of how FMEA has transfered from the mechanical engineering world to the gaming tech world so quickly.

AND about the chair falling apart for no reason. i'm sure that is just a freeze frame. you can do that in halo as well. you build it with zero time and zero gravity, hit "play" and gravity and time > 0, they start falling. it seems crysis might have a vortex inducer, since in some of the sims, things don't just fall, they seem projected and swirled around against gravity.

slyght said...

dammit, the link i was pointing to that didn't work is this one.