Friday, December 29, 2006
New Rule...
Happy B-Day Blog
Thursday, December 28, 2006
In case you didn't know
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
pong shots AND rube goldberg
well this video does it. it combines (toward the end) two of my favorite things, crazy ping pong shots and rube goldberg setups (though they aren't very elaborate). and for all those who are counting, this is my first embed. i usually like to link.
HEY we got a new graphic up top. did that just happen? hmmm, nice
NYE e-mail
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
B-town Bowling?
The Big Wazoo
League bowls on Wednesdays at 9:30 PM
League starts on January 17, 2007 at 9:30 PM
League meeting on January 10, 2007 at 9:30 PM
4 bowlers per team
15 weeks of bowling
$10.00 per week per bowler
2 games of bowling per week
Weekly Computer Stats
Free nursery service
Standing Sheets on the Web
Big party & trophies at the end of the season
This is at the Columbus Square Bowling Palace. The league meeting on the 10th requires one team member to attend, which I have no problem of doing since I live the closest to the lanes. Those interested please let me know as soon as possible so I can get the team signed up. I know this is a late start time for Redness and J Ho, but the 6:00 league wasn't good for the majority.
Monday, December 18, 2006
God always finds a way to punish the sinners
well you made me do it
consider this an invite to the BTBZ, associated significant others and a few friends they might want to bring. jules and i will be in columbus at the hotel from sometime on 29-dec-06 (friday) through 1-jan-07 (monday). if no one is wanting to host a NYE party, let's do it there, at the hotel. there is sofa bed if anyone wants to crash and we might be able to get a rollaway. let's drink, watch TV, i'll have the obligatory porn though it WON'T be playboy as in year's past. we can play cards, get food, yeah, i already said drink. i know it's not a fancy invite. i'll be able to provide some beer and food, please feel free to bring some of your own as well. let's have some fun.
e-mail me if you think you'll wanna be there, and i'll send you the address. if i don't hear from anyone, jules and i will have to fend for ourselves and find a bar or party going on downtown. up to you. i'll be waiting to hear from you.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The REAL 'Most Out of Shape Man' Contest
Sunday, December 10, 2006
again i ask
i'm thinking of coming up on the 28th or 29th, then leave maybe the 1st or 2nd. get back to me.
It's Good to be THE KING
The other two games are Pocketbike Racer and Big Bumpin'. Pocketbike Racer is the clone of MarioKart we've asked for and I think might be a little better. Same premise: race around a track and use weapons to screw with the other racers. About the only differences are you get to play as various BK characters (King, Whopper Jr. and Subservient Chicken aka Big Buckin Chicken) that instead of picking up a random weapon, you have a power meter. Each time you pass between a set of traffic cones, your meter goes up. You have access to different weapons depending on that level. You can also use that power as a nitro boost so you have to choose between that homing missle you've always wanted and extra speed. Plus all characters have the same driving abilities... you can unlock different bikes that perform differently. No more getting stuck with Toad or Princess in multiplayer. Good selection of tracks and game modes (Battle Mode is great). Great player characters. Oh, and yes, you can play over Xbox Live. At four bucks, this is a no brainer. Throw the food away if you have to.
Big Bumpin' is bumper cars on crack cocaine. Several game types and two modes, individual battles and tournament, keep the action fresh. There's good old fashioned bumper battles that take place in BattleBot-like arenas. There's a hot potato version where you try to avoid having the bomb when it goes off. Another mode has you driving to one point to pick up energy and trying to get back to a base to score points. The catch is that the other three drivers are trying to wreck your shit and drain the energy so you get fewer points when and if you can get back to base. There is a mode where you score points by having possession of the puck. The last car to touch the puck scores points for every second the puck is their color. Then there is two on two bumper hockey. This is one of the most addicting games I've ever played in my life. Simple rules. Three minute period. Score more than your opponents. Eric and I played this for two hours last week after a good night of drinking. You can play on the same team or against each other with a computer teammate. All game types can be played on two different courses and the powerups can really change the game. Someone chasing you with the bomb? Grab the speed up and jet across the board. Pick up the super magnet and the puck will try to attach to your back bumper. Scoring a goal becomes ridiculously easy unless they pack their car between you and the puck. All cars and drivers have the same skill, so again, no worries if someone picks The King and the pretty pink car. You can play the tournaments in multiplayer also, so you battle it out across several game types to see who's the best all around player. You can play over Live also. The computer puts up a good fight in almost all games modes except the hot potato version, but the multiplayer is really where it's at. Again, it's four bucks. Insane.
These games all suffer from loading times though. You'll spend a good 30 seconds loading to play 3 minutes of hockey or worse, to play 6 seconds of the demolision derby game as it doesn't take long for 3 of the 4 cars to either get bumped off the stage or drive off the stage. I've only played once or twice over Live, and it seems you have to set up the game each time and join the lobby for that game each time. The music isn't going to win any awards either. Think of a cross between NES and SNES music. Really though, you probably won't notice it, and what do you expect from a game you bought at a fast food restaurant?
If you can't tell, I highly recommend Big Bumpin' and Pocketbike Racer. These are great games simply due to the instant gratification. Perfect when you want to play something but don't want to invest a couple of hours to reach the next level. Also they are great party games. Anyone can pick up a controller and play, even if they may have consumed some adult beverages. Put these on your Christmas list. Your significant other might scoff at buying you a $50 dollar game either because it's $50 or they hate the fact it's a video game, but these are $4 games they will actually like if they give them a try. By the way, each game comes with both Xbox and 360 versions so you can HAVE IT YOUR WAY.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Speaking of Last Weekend...

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Not As Drunk As I Thought
Saturday, December 02, 2006
new year's plans?
i MIGHT be meeting her parents over this break, so odds are i'll be away from B-Town either on my birthyday, christmas, or new years, so she and i need to figure out which will be missed. i think we are kinda leaning towards being on columbus for new year's if anything is going on, and i might meet the parents over my birthday or xmas. reply if anyone knowns anything about any possible shindigginess.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Like, this fish amination stuff is cool. Huh Huh.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Great Article
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Badger Badger Badger!
Monday, November 27, 2006
On the Wall Again
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Some Consolation
Sunday, November 19, 2006
OSU defeats MU in Columbus...

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Ed vs. Spencer
T, I tivo'ed a new episode. It's the best one I've seen (according to the website, I've seen them all). It's Who Can Stay Handcuffed the Longest. Good good stuff.
I'll see if I can get them recorded to the computer for your viewing pleasure. Dish Network boxes run a Linux OS so it's not as simple as copying the files to a PC.
I've also heard there's a Canadian show called Kenny vs. Spenny that Ed vs. Spencer is based on. Might be worth a look if you can find it.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Now Is the Time
Micro Center stores instituting a triple-digit price break on both versions of Microsoft's next-gen console until December 3.
By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot
Posted Nov 14, 2006 2:17 pm PT
With only 19 retail locations in the US, Micro Center isn't exactly a fixture in most cities. But with the electronics chain now offering a $100 mail-in rebate for customers who purchase an Xbox 360 at those stores, it might be worth a drive to find one.
According to the retailer's Web site, any customer who purchases an Xbox 360 (premium or core version) between last Sunday, November 12, and December 3, can fill out a form to knock a Benjamin off the price of next-gen admission. The systems are not being sold on the company's Web site at the moment.
Customers must send in the rebate form within 15 days of making their purchases, and rebates are limited to one per product, purchase, name, household, address, or organization. Rebate checks should arrive within 12 weeks. For more information, check out the Micro Center Web site's Rebate Center.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Been There Done That
"Please take care of the traffic PROBLEM if it is in Z-Ville...the game was over at 10:25...we couldn't leave the parking lot until 11:50...people in 4 wheel drives were climbing up a 30+ foot embankment to get out."
My Jeep Liberty Renegade is trail rated, T tested, and Btown Boyz approved. Also, according to, the New Lexington/Bellaire game will be in Zanesville and both schools have been notified of this. J Ho remember to bring your camera this time so we can film the hill climb.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The Thrilla in the Villa
1. 1995 State Championship game versus Versailles. 2OT.
2. 2005 Regional Championship game versus Ironton. 3OT.
3. 1995 Second round game versus Youngstown Cardinal Mooney. 2OT.
4. 1993 First round game versus Youngstown Ursuline. 2OT.
5. 2006 Regional Semi-final versus Williamsport Westfall.
Next week Bellaire play New Lexington, who handed Martins Ferry 35-14, at a site to be determined by the OHSAA on Sunday. Could be Zanesville again, but from what I've read look for this game on the turf at New Philadelphia. The Btown Boyz are planning to be in attendance for this one as well. Stay tuned for further updates.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Could there be a rematch? (times 2)
The other rematch prospect could be a Bellaire - Martins Ferry rematch next week (or two weeks). Each team is still alive in the OHSAA playoffs. I don't know what scenario has to happen to get them to play each other next week, but the chances will go up if each team wins (No S#IT). If it happens, I gotta get the that game (which will probably be in Steubenville) to see the circus that it will become. There will be people camping out at the stadium the night before to get the best seats. I will be able to make it since I will have that Saturday off(and many more Sat's off in the near future). This is gonna be a hell of a football weekend.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Maybe It Will Never Happen
SIDENOTE FROM CHUMPASSFOOL: This clip is from an HBO documentary called "Hacking Democracy" about how simple it is to manipulate votes with the electronic voting equipment. I mentioned watching this previously in my very long post. The whole movie is quite interesting and I would recommend watching it if you have the opportunity. I have checked and it is on HBO On-Demand until 12/3 if you are a subscriber.
The Wheels of Democracy are Turning

Way back, circa 1996, I turned 18 which meant I could buy cigarettes, nudie magazines, and change the world by voting. I think I voted in the first two elections since turning 18, but nobody I voted for won (presidential elections), and I soon grew to realize that voting is just a sham anyway. So I never voted again, until today.
Ironically, just this morning, I woke up and watched a documentary on HBO called "Hacking Democracy" about faulty (or outright tampered-with) electronic voting machines that are rarely accurate and loosly monitered for integrity. The whole movie was about how blatently voting machines are manipulated to produce an erronious outcome. This on top of numberous articles I've read since the previous election about vote-counting fraud, inclucing the debacle in Ohio with the presidential election. This obviously did not entice me to enthousiastically go out in the rain today to cast my vote. Nevertheless, I did.
The main reason I wanted to vote today was to address the hand-full of issues on the ballot, particulary the smoking ban. More on that later. But for now, here's how today's voting experience went down...
I got to the polling station, gave the lady my ID, then stood before the infamous electronic voting machine, finger poised to change the world. But alas, I had no idea who to vote for. I've seen the countless political adds on TV over the receint weeks, and they all run together. This one slamming this one. Noone is honest anyway, so who really cares? I figured the best way to vote would be to just pick all the Democrat candidates across the board. I've read enough of Juddy's posts to know that the Republicans are bad and we need to vote them out of office. Not that the Democrats will do any better, but at least there's hope for change. "Just pick all the Democrats," I thought. That was easy enought, but then came the public officials with no political affiliation (judges, treasurers, auditors, etc...). "Oh no! What should I do now." So I decided to pick the candidate with the coolest or most-recognizable name. My favorite was Tim Horton. I don't know what he's running for or what his platform is, but he does make a mighty fine donut, so what the hell? Give him a shot. I didn't vote for Lopez because he didn't sound American enough. I did vote for Travis, because that's my grandmother's maiden name.
The moral of this is that I have NO idea who I voted for. And I don't care. It's not as if whoever ends up in office is going to make a difference. Ten years from now, I'm still going to be held to the same laws, paying the same taxes, and still as disinfranchised with politics as I am today.
The only thing I did care about were the issus on the ballot. Issue 1 was an amendment to the Ohio constitution affecting worker's comp. I didn't really give this too much thought, which was a good thing because it would be moot. Signs at the polling station revealed that Issue 1 was removed from the ballot because the petitions were not received in a timely matter. That, to me, is wrong. It's like the child-rapist going free from prison on a technicality. I mean Issue 1 meant something to somebody, and to not be allowed to vote on it because the petition did not officially meet the deadline is kinda shitty. But I digress.
Issue 2 basically raised the minimum wage from $5.xx to $6.85. Not that I'm against getting paid more, but raising the minimum wage would not help me. I've never made min wage in my life. And ultimately, people could lose jobs because employers can no longer afford to pay as many workers. I voted NO.
Issue 3 was to legalize certain gambling devices in specific counties. The upside is more money for the state. The downside is the families destroyed by compulsive gamblers that can't control themselves. I've seen Wheelilng Downs, and I like it. I like being able to drop a few dollars on gambling. It hasn't destroyed my family. Why not? I voted YES.
Issues 4 & 5 seemed to directly conflict with each other. Issue 4 would allow smoking in places like restaurants and bars, and terminate any current smoking-bans in effect in Ohio, specifically Columbus. Issue 5 would simply ban smoking in any public building and workplace. As a smoker, I'm all about non-smokers rights. But I'm also about my personal freedom. I think it's ridiculous that I can't go to a bar and smoke. What goes better than alcohol and tobacco? Steak and Potatos? Sonni and Cher? A "Q" and frickin' "U"? NOTHING!!!!! I voted YES on 4 to lift the ban and NO on 5 to stop the ban. (Remember -- direct conflict) What happens if each is turned down, NO on each. Well nothing changes. But if each is approved, YES to both, that makes no sence. Lift the ban, then ban smoking? I don't get it. I guess issues 4 & 5 comes down to smokers vs. non-smokers in an all-out drag-out grudge match of the century. Since everything I've ever cared enough about to vote has went the other way, I'm guessing that Issue 4 will go down, while Issue 5 is approved. That's my prediction. If nothing else my vote on 4 & 5 will negate Z's votes and we'll leave it up to the rest of Ohio to decide.
So enough of my ranting. I've already created the longest post of my blogging career on a topic I don't really care that much about. I just hope that Juddy is out there somewhere voting Democrat. If anyone should vote it sould be Juddy, with his highly political, anti-Republican blog postings.
Here's to the rest of our lives with the same political bullshite we've become accostomed to. Cheers!
PS I'm going to go smoke while I still can.
Nice reaction
It appears that Faith Hill thought she was a shoe in. Maybe she forgot about J Ho ("I can't play Xbox right now because American Idol is on.") and Eric the Midget. Bye for now.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Poker Night
Sunday, November 05, 2006
See you at the Waldorf. Dress Nice.
I'd like to thank Jesus Christ. In Christ, all things are possible.
Also, I can't forget the people at Dell for building my Inspiron 2650. Michael Dell, this one is for you.
Thank you to Embarq for providing the high speed connection. I couldn't have signed Junior at the last second without it.
Who can forget the great competition this year? These folks in the audience tonight are the best UFL players in the world. Give yourselves a big hand.
In case you didn't know, this year's title was decided today in a 12 round slugfest between the league's two heavyweights, myself and Juddy. I entered today's action with a 1.5 race lead over Juddy. As any great title match, this one featured all six of our picks in the top ten with 10 laps to go. However, Kahne's blown motor under caution (wtf, under caution??) sealed the deal for Stickyfingers Racing to lay claim to the title. According to the unofficial results...
Stewart 190
Ku Busch 147
Junior 155
Total 492
Gordon 138
Kahne 69
Ky Busch 165
Total 372
But, what if Kahne's piece of crap Evernham motor didn't crap out??? (This is as accurate as can be expected for a quick 3 minute recalculation of points and places. It assumes Kahne would have finished second behind Stewart.)
Stewart 190
Ku Busch 143
Junior 151
Total 484
Gordon 134
Kahne 175
Ky Busch 160
Total 469
Certainly closer but it doesn't seem it would have mattered.
After today, I'll be up 2.5 races with only 2 to go. However, the points title is still up for grabs. See everyone next year at the Auction Board. Good fight, good night.
The Final Push

Also, If you have seen this man, call the police. He is extremely DANGEROUS!!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006
The Buckeyes and Big Reds are Unstoppable
September 2 Northern Illinois W 35-12
September 9 at No. 2 Texas W 24-7
September 16 Cincinnati W 37-7
September 23 No. 24 Penn State W 28-6
September 30 at No. 13 Iowa W 38-17
October 7 Bowling Green W 35-7
October 14 at Michigan State W 38-7
October 21 Indiana W 44-3
October 28 Minnesota W 44-0
November 4 at Illinois Winning 14-0 in Second Qtr.
November 11 at Northwestern 3:30 PM ET
November 18 No. 2 Michigan 3:30 PM ET
As you can see, the offense averages 36 points a game and has only allowed over 10 points twice all season. If Nate Davis and Ball State can put up 26 points against the Wolverine D, then I can't wait to see what Troy Smith and Co. will do to them.
Going back to the the Big Reds and the 'Indian Mascot w/ the Alcoholic Nose', if next weeks game is gonna be in Athens, then T and I are talking about making the trip. Maybe a hotel room stay (maybe... I have to work Saturday).
[UPDATE] Well, maybe the Buckeyes may have some trouble with Michigan. Troy Smith picked the wrong week to look like the Troy Smith of last year. This is now two weeks in a row where he has not put up Heisman-like numbers. Unless he snaps out of the funk next week, he will be going into THE BIG GAME pretty flat.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
next-gen whiteboard
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sad day...

Congrats to Chad and Jackie.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Red Bull and NyQuil

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
the rivalry
my little political post
i'm not what i call a smoker... i do it to keep emma from smoking so much. by far, not a seasoned veteran, so i'm all for banning smoking. issue 4 and issue 5 are related to smoking, and if you want to basically BAN smoking aside from in your house, you want to vote NO!! on issue 4 and YES!! on issue 5.
the way issue 4 is written, as you can see word for word on the link above is "do you want do ban smoking... (you think, yes, i'll vote yes), then as you go on, "EXCEPT in..." and it lists just about everywhere. it is a wordplay hoping that ohioans are idiots who don't read past the first line of the LAW you'd be enacting. so please, read carefully and VOTE on november 7th. thanks.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Report: Impala to replace Monte Carlo in Cup races.
Report: Impala to replace Monte Carlo in Cup races. news services
The most successful car in Nextel Cup racing history is reportedly about to be history.
According to a report in the Charlotte Observer, NASCAR has given General Motors permission to phase out the Monte Carlo SS, which has the most Cup wins of any model with 400, and replace it with the Impala SS. Sources told the Observer an Impala SS built by Hendrick Motorsports will be unveiled at the official announcement Friday at Atlanta Motor Speedway.
The Impala SS will run in 16 races next season and will only be used in Cup competition, according to the Observer, because it will serve as Chevrolet's version of NASCAR's "car of tomorrow." In races not using the "car of tomorrow," teams will still run Monte Carlos.
The first Monte Carlo in Cup competition was on the pole for the 1971 World 600 at what is now Lowe's Motor Speedway.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
What is it saying?
Monday, October 16, 2006
Thank you!!!
Pumpkin Festival
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Every person should check out this ...
And this article on the top 10 news stories that was either underreported, not reported, or censored.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
God forbit somebody exercises the right they are fighting for us
October 3, 2006
A Denver-area man filed a lawsuit today against a member of the Secret Service for causing him to be arrested after he approached Vice President Dick Cheney in Beaver Creek this summer and criticized him for his policies concerning Iraq.
Attorney David Lane said that on June 16, Steve Howards was walking his 7-year-old son to a piano practice, when he saw Cheney surrounded by a group of people in an outdoor mall area, shaking hands and posing for pictures with several people.
According to the lawsuit filed at U.S. District Court in Denver, Howards and his son walked to about two-to-three feet from where Cheney was standing, and said to the vice president, "I think your policies in Iraq are reprehensible," or words to that effect, then walked on.
Ten minutes later, according to Howards' lawsuit, he and his son were walking back through the same area, when they were approached by Secret Service agent Virgil D. "Gus" Reichle Jr., who asked Howards if he had "assaulted" the vice president. Howards denied doing so, but was nonetheless placed in handcuffs and taken to the Eagle County Jail.
The lawsuit states that the Secret Service agent instructed that Howards should be issued a summons for harassment, but that on July 6 the Eagle County District Attorney's Office dismissed all charges against Howards.
The lawsuit filed today alleges that Howards was arrested in retaliation for having exercised his First Amendment right of free speech, and that his arrest violated his Fourth Amendment protection against unlawful seizure.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Eat, Drink, & be Merry 2
Btown in da News
Last Interception Pool
These are the things that happen to you when you're the quarterback at luckless Buffalo: Just when it looks like you've won The Dash's prestigious LIP, along comes a new competitor who sneaks into the competition through the back door.
Duke's Thaddeus Lewis (30) and Texas A&M's Stephen McGee (31) took themselves out of the LIP running by throwing their first picks of the year, leaving Buffalo's Drew Willy (32) as the apparent champion while enjoying a bye week. But up pops Ball State freshman Nate Davis (33), whose 38 passes against Northern Illinois in his first full-time duty of the season gave him enough attempts to be eligible for the NCAA pass efficiency rankings. Davis has not been picked off in 77 collegiate throws. Willy has thrown 41 more times without an oskie, but he doesn't have the title yet.
Now comes the potential for an epic conclusion -- LIP Bowl I, if you will. In a bit of reality drama that "American Idol" wishes it could summon, Willy and Davis will play head-to-head Saturday -- Ball State at Buffalo, 1 p.m. ET kickoff. The Dash will be (the only human) breathlessly monitoring play-by-play from UB Stadium to see whether an LIP champion is crowned.
NC Get Ready For T
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Sooner or later their lack of talent will shine through

Notre Dame lucked out again last week. It took a football to bounce off of three player's shoulders and not touch the ground, but their luck will not last much longer. They should be a 20 ranked team at best. Charlie Weis is just like Tyrone, a hot first season, but now college football has figured him out and now its back to mediocrity. Here is a Flow Chart that describes a Notre Dame fan.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Breaking News
Local Man checks NASCAR Fantasy League, Takes Dump
A Kipling resident checked his league today. Then he took a dump. Eyewitnesses say the two events were unrelated. Thank you.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Rumor Mill (that's how he does it)
Apparently, during the senior high school 'all night party', money was raised to fund the 10 year high school reunion (which is this Saturday). Well, according to sources close to the BTB's, that raised money has been withdrawn from the bank account that housed it. This is probably why the 'reunion' is at Flanagan's back bar (PARTY!!!!!). I do recall that Zac was Secretary for our class. Also, M. Kish was TREASURER. There was always something fishy about that fella'. If anyone has any comments about this revelation (Z?) please respond. Oh, by the way, I would rather give Dick Chaney CPR than go to the Reunion.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
What do they know?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Software error...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Needed Something To Get Juddy Off His Anti-Government Kick
Friday, September 15, 2006
Another Republican Bites the Dust
Thursday, September 14, 2006
How do people still trust his words???
I make it my goal to show every American (who checks out the BTZ's site) to expose our (I mean racist, redneck, paranoid, fantical, religously zealot, neo-conservative, bent on world domination for corporate expansion, and 'daddy got me out of Vietnam' people) President.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
There they go...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
update for the BTBz
emma and i are going to be in columbus starting sometime friday afternoon through probably tuesday sometime. not sure what everyone wants to do or can afford. chumpassfool is thinking of throwing a get-together on saturday for the richmond race and the OSU/texas game. that should cover the evening. was wondering what, if anything, anyone wanted to do the rest of the weekend. i was thinking kahoots friday night, but if that is too expensive, maybe a bar, gameworks, adobe gilas, or wherever it is you kids go nowadays. i want her to meet everyone and i'd also like to go out and experience the nightlife a bit. whatever anyone can think of. get back to me with ideas. if you can make it to kahoots on friday night or if you have a better suggestion. let's have some fun. i'm also open to suggestions for anything emma should see in columbus for the other days i'm in town. if people aren't working during the day or whatnot we can all get together for something. later.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
There's Steelers fans, then there is(was) this guy
Those darn Germans
update for Big Z
monday through wednesday : bellaire catching up
thursday through saturday : columbus catching up (poker, drinking, titty bar, you know, whatever we can fit in and afford)
sunday (early-ish) : head back to bellaire to catch the race and a few beers at F-bar or wherever
monday on: BRISTOL, BABY!!!
i'll prolly head back to bellaire for a few days once we get back. i'll solidify labor day and post-labor day plans at bristol i'm guessing. emma is coming to ohio to visit just after labor day it seems. we'll prolly spend a few days in the valley, then head to columbus. then we can all get together, hang out, whatever. i figured since i haven't had a girlfriend in a while, i can show mine off before i piss her off enough to break up with me with my stupid antics. woohoo. ok that's it. later.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Pure Genius
I'd even settle for an MP3 of the background music. It's a song called Guaglione by some guy named Perez. I have all of the .bmp files and figure I could piece together a new version with a decent flash editor. Hook a brother up.
Hell I'd even go for a copy of Win95 so I could take a look at how it is supposed to look before creating the new one. Any help will be appreciated.
Also, I'm going to install Virtual PC on my machine so I can install Win98 again and see if the Guinness screen saver will work (it's not a fan of XP). Stay tuned.
Anonymous... come forth and share your identity with us!
Pizza Heaven

Notice the address. Thank you pizza gods, thank you. I'm now considering moving back to the Refugee. Well maybe I'm not that pizza crazy just yet.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Back in the Day
Remember back in the day when the cheapest tower you could buy was still about $1800? When I bought my blazing 166 MHz Pentium with 32 MB of RAM, a 2 MB video card, Sound Blaster AWE 32 (which was a 16 bit card but with a software upgrade worked like a 32 bit) and 3 GB hard drive in 1996, it was the machine everyone wanted to use in Crawford Hall. Well, they wanted to use it to play Worms or NHL '96 on the 17" monitor or listen to the same dozen or so MP3's I had, plus it was one of the few machines that could do all of that plus "blast" the sound from the 20 watt powered speaker system complete with a subwoofer (Altec Lansing something or other). Occasionally we would telnet into OU's system to finish our chemistry homework on CAPA and on extremely rare occasions, use Word to type up a paper. It was a computer built for entertainment and put the several 133 MHz machines to shame. Its ability to ward off more than one spilled beer was simply remarkable.
That machine set me back $2500. Considering the 200 MHz processor with the same setup cost $2900, it was a deal.
That machine served as my primary computer for five more years. It saw a classic game of NHL '97 where I led Ed 3-2 heading into the third period. I passed out after the puck was dropped. When I woke up we were in OT and the game finished tied at 3. Only later did Ed admit to pulling my goaltender with a minute left because he said he could not lose to someone who was passed out for the entire third period. It was UPGRADED to include a 10 Mbps Ethernet card in 1997 when we moved to Wilson Hall and got access to OU's network. It ran the first game controller system to allow four players and to allow all players to access eight buttons. Shortly thereafter, it ran the first TV tuner card on the market and served as my television when I moved to New South Green (the first TIVO?). It ran perfectly when I upgraded to OS to Win 98. When I got my 400 MHz blue laptop, the old tower streamed MP3s (at a screaming 1 Mbps) and shared its dialup connection to Wright State's modem pool with it. Of course, who can forget all of the audio editing with Goldwave and graphic editing with Photoshop 3.0-5.0. Even after my move to NC, it still ran my NES and SNES emulators and more.
Did I mention the eclectic collection of stickers on the case? Everything from the nWo Wolfpack to the Mine Safety and Health Administration's "It's Not Just Dust, It's Silica". If you ever need to escape a collapsed mine, you'll find directions on how to signal rescuers. Hopefully you remembered to take the computer with you.
However, the old girl was showing her age. When I got my 1.7 GHz with 512 MB RAM laptop, I used the tower less and less. When I bought the house, I didn't even bother to set it up after I moved in.
That is, until today. I expected to it to fire up right away, and I was not disappointed. After all, except for one incident when I didn't seat the video card properly and didn't realize it until after Dell was kind enough to send a replacement motherboard (back when you got 3 year parts replacement warranties standard), it hasn't let me down.
I knew it was time to do something with it. After all, not too many apps will run on a 166. So, I happened to have an old 500 MHz machine that was replaced at work. As it should happen, it was the same exact case as my 166. I decided that while most of the hardware would be different and essentially the 166 was going to have to be put down, I could at least salvage the plastic shell. Not many apps will run on a 500 either, but XP runs pretty well. I decided it could at least be a file server, beta tester, or play music off the network. So, I took the RAM, 52x CD burner, and 3 GB hard drive from the old tower and plugged them in the new machine. I took the plastic shell off of the case and replaced it with the old, sticker-covered shell. My tower was back.
It's funny how something like a 10 year old computer can bring back so many memories. My first instinct was to put it in the trash and move on. Then I got to looking at all of those damn stickers. There were so many good times shared around that computer. Parties in 14x10 dorm rooms with enough people it had to be a fire code violation, chatting on IM, listening to music and watching the Geiss visualizations until you got ill to your stomach. Rigging a peer-to-peer network at Chad's so we could trade MP3s. Suddenly I couldn't let it go.
Ultimately most people will call it a waste of an afternoon, salvaging a few computer parts that are completely obsolete and putting them in a machine that is 90% obsolete. Stripping some plastic of a metal frame and putting it on another metal frame. Nearly all of the original parts of the old tower aren't even in the "new" tower. But my Dell with the blue Dimension XPS P166s faceplate and dozens of random stickers has been with me from Athens to Bellaire to Athens again to Bellaire again to Dayton to Cary and now to Fuquay. Now I get to keep it for a little while longer. Time well spent.
I thnk I'll try and hook it up to the 50" DLP HDTV and 1000 watt 7.1 Dolby Digital setup... after all, the TV does have a computer input jack. Amy's gonna love that thing sitting in the living room.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
I Love Outsourcing...
and speaking of outsourcing havens...
Z, don't worry about emma poisoning your driver, the Indian people have been drinking pesticide for a while now
Friday, August 04, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
A Strange Coincidence

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
A B-Town Boy P.S.A.

"The More You Know" brought to you locally by:

Thursday, July 27, 2006
The Chump and T Show featuring Joe

Joe, Chump, and T enjoying a Mug-o-Rita at Adobe Gilas

T and Chump thug-style at Adobe's again (with another Mug-o-Rita)

T, Chump, and Joe at Comfest 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
They're Here
In the documentary "Apollo 11: The Untold Story," shown on Britain's Channel Five on Monday night, July 24, astronaut Buzz Aldrin says he, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins all saw a UFO shadowing their spacecraft. Apollo 11, which took off on July 16, 1969, was the first manned mission to the moon. Aldrin says, "There was something out there, close enough to be observed, and what could it be?"
In the documentary, he says, "Now, obviously the three of us weren't going to blurt out, 'Hey, Houston, we've got something moving alongside of us and we don't know what it is,' you know? We weren't about to do that, because we knew that that those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and somebody might have demanded we turn back because of aliens or whatever the reason is." He says NASA knew about the UFO but covered up the information.
It has just been learned that all but two of the 700 boxes of Apollo 11 videos are mysteriously missing from the National Archives. The footage of the Apollo 11 mission was recorded on special 1-inch magnetic tape, and the only machines that can play it are at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, which is being closed in the fall of 2006.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper, who took part in the earlier Mercury and Gemini missions, had his first UFO sighting as an Air Force pilot. He later said that a UFO landed at Edwards Air Force Base. In 1985, Cooper testified at the UN, saying, "I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth. For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us." Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was the 6th man to walk on the moon, has also said he believes in the existence of UFOs.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
For all you people who love LSD
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Internet Status
Transformers Movie
Also found this picture(Laserbeak kicks ass):

Monday, July 17, 2006
A Toast
Thursday, July 13, 2006
how did T miss this?
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Give a Crazy Man a Web Cam and...
This guy is one more pork rind from a massive corronary.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
A couple of things

Here's Erin with Chad Kroeger
Here's Hoobastank on stage
Nickelback on stage during "Photograph"
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
New Game
Saturday, July 01, 2006
something-or-other wizards
ah the good ol days.' but i'm not here to reminisce. i'm here to show you this link. it is about 14 minutes (the interlude around 10 minutes is kinda funny, those crazy orientals) so it takes some patience, but i'm so infatuated with rube goldberg setups lately. i wish i had time back home to get chumpass and everyone together to just get hammered and make something crazy. i seriously recommend if you have the connection (i do for the day since i'm away from work in a semi-better city/hotel) and the time, to check it out. i like the one with the angled books, the magnets, and the balls in series. wow. i'm a nerd. i'm listening (and singing to) to def leppard's 'photograph'. life is good.
Friday, June 30, 2006
O-Qua Tangin Wann O-Nee-Sayer-Wann
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Progress Report, Part Treux
T's Top 5 Sirius Presets:
1. Howard 100/101
2. Hair Nation 23
3. Big 80's 08
4. Octane 20
5. Playboy Radio 198
What will they think of next?
What will probably happen is they will treat that PUNK Jr. like the NCAA treats Notre Dame Football. All Jr. has to do is be within 600 pts. of the leader before the "Race.." and they will put him in the "Race..."
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Progress Report, Pard Deux

My face started to turn dark purple by the area of the surgery. I saw the Dr. today and he said I had it clot or something (he was amazed by it as well). So I, again, had to have my face poked & prodded more than Tara Reid has hers at 3:30am on a Saturday of Cinco De Mayo. Numbed, Cut, and Squeezed... and Stuffed. That is not a tampon string coming out of my face.

My Doc said it should heal good, and I shouldn't have to deal with it again, but we'll see. Quato Lives!!!!!!